For event safety

Coordinate your team and track open cases

Efficient incident reporting

Employees in the field can quickly record incidents using the app, so that all incidents can be tracked in the operations center and open incidents can be seen at a glance.

Real-time map and team communication

Locate points of interest, track the position of your staff on the map and communicate with your employees on separate channels. So that employees are on site faster and incidents can be dealt with quickly.

Customer Success Story

DELTAgroup is one of the leading providers of security solutions and services in Switzerland and provides well-rehearsed teams and processes for crowd and safety management issues.

DELTAgroup uses antavi Ops for their security services at major events such as Zurich Fäscht, Fantastical (Seenachtsfest Kreuzlingen), Formula-E Grand-Prix Zurich and Albani Fest.

„With antavi Ops we are informed in real time about all incidents in the operations center and can optimize the use of our resources.“

Linus Eberhard
COO – DELTAgroup